With affordable housing, low living costs, and a location in Onondaga County in the center of New York state, Syracuse is a place many families, young professionals, and retirees decide to move to. However, things can sometimes take a wrong turn.

Onondaga County has seen an increase in opioid deaths and hospitalizations in recent years, primarily due to fentanyl and heroin overdose. That’s why it is essential to seek help before things get out of hand. Luckily, there are many rehab centers in Syracuse and the surrounding area where people can get the help and support they need.

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Best Rehab Centers in Syracuse

Crouse Health Addiction Treatment Services

Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Inpatient, Detox
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Medically Assisted Treatments, Opioid Abuse
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid, Medicare

Crouse Health has been helping people to overcome their addiction problems since 1975. They support individuals and their families on the road to recovery from substance and alcohol abuse, especially opioid use. The facility employs a medication-assisted approach for opioid addiction, which should help by making the withdrawal stage a little easier.

When you contact Crouse Health, you will undergo a thorough interviewing and assessment to see what program is best suited to your needs. Once they review your state, they inform you of the recommended plan, start date, duration, and other important information.

Both inpatient and outpatient programs include a team of professionals closely observing your progress. That’s why you can expect therapy and counseling sessions as a standard part of the treatment process.

Crouse Health accepts most insurance, but they do offer a sliding-fee scale for people who don’t have any coverage.

Meadows Integrated Outpatient Clinic

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Gambling Addiction
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Adults, Young Adults
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Meadows Integrated Outpatient Clinic by Helio Health is a place where people can get adequate help for their alcohol, substance, gambling, and mental health problems. Their goal isn’t just to treat your addiction symptoms, but to treat you as a whole and completely transform your life.

That’s why their plans include therapy, counseling, education, family support, and they also offer inpatient programs in Willows Inpatient Rehabillitation, or sober living arrangements in Green Street Residence for Men and Harriet May Mills House for Women.

Willows Inpatient Rehabilitation

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

People who need professional help in a monitored environment while they get clean would do well to choose Willows Inpatient Rehabilitation. This 40-bed facility is one of the only ones in central New York that admits pregnant or women with newborns. It allows them to get adequate treatment while taking care of their baby without compromising its security.

The typical stay lasts between 2 to 3 weeks. This short-term program is highly intensive, and the structured environment allows people to take needed steps in the right direction. With the help of a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, you will receive individual and group therapy, counseling, and education.

The program is structured around the patient’s needs. After it’s completed, the recovery journey continues through outpatient or sober living services.

Forensic Consultants

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Forensic Consultants offer outpatient counseling for people with drug and substance problems. The goal is to provide the least restrictive treatment with the best possible outcome. That’s why the length and general plan varies from person to person.

You can expect individual or group therapy sessions or a mix of both. There is also a relapse and recovery management program that helps people reestablish sober habits. This extra support goes a long way towards long-term success.

Forensic Consultants works with criminal justice system-referred clients, first responders, nurses, health care professionals, and people whose addiction is causing issues at home or work. Services are also available to military families, LGBTQ+ clients, and veterans.

Central New York Services

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid, Medicare

Central New York Services (CNYS) is dedicated to providing mental health and substance abuse counseling and treatment to people of Central New York. With over 30 years of service, the center in Syracuse is a good place to get screened and attend an outpatient program that can fit your schedule.

The center offers various levels of help for people in the different stages of addiction. You can get an early recovery and prevention, medication-assisted treatment, and multiple forms of therapy and counseling. It’s important to mention that all programs provide adequate mental health help, which is vital for all recovery plans.

Personalized Recovery Oriented Services is what makes this facility stand out. This recovery model fully supports your recovery while allowing you to build necessary skills for independent living, furthering education, securing employment, community exploration, financial management, skill development, self-help, and many other vital services.

CNYS has other centers in Syracuse for teens, people who need transitional living arrangements, and inpatient programs.

Harriet May Mills House for Women

Treatment Type:
Sober Living
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Helio Health has many facilities in Syracuse, where people with substance and alcohol problems can seek treatment. Harriet May Mills House for Women is their transitional home for women who have completed residential treatment. It offers a sober living environment where women can get their lives back on track while surrounded by helpful staff and people on the same recovery journey.

The average stay is five to six months, and all residents must continue outpatient treatment or attend community programs while residing at the house. At least 35 hours each week should go towards the outpatient program, volunteering, work, or education.

A supportive family atmosphere helps women get back on their feet, and it empowers them to take charge and turn their lives around.

Dodson Recovery Syracuse

Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Inpatient, Detox
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Dodson Recovery provides adequate treatment, resources, and guidance to people struggling with alcohol and substance abuse and co-occurring mental disorders. The center’s goal is to help anyone, regardless of their state, which is why they want people to know that it’s always a good time to start recovering. You don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom.

Based on extensive screening at the beginning of the process, the center employs a unique treatment approach that should yield the best results. It can include one-on-one therapy, supervised detox, group sessions, and relapse prevention.

Dodson Recovery Center takes a holistic approach to treatment that supports your overall well-being. Your therapy sessions will help you learn a lot about yourself, your addiction, and what triggers it. You will also learn how to avoid those triggers, cope with everyday obstacles, and enjoy a substance-free life.

Choices Substance Abuse Treatment Clinic

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Young Adults
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid, Medicare

Central New York Services and Elmcrest partnered to provide substance abuse treatment to teens and young adults of the Elmcrest campus and Syracuse community. There is a difference between adult and adolescent alcohol and substance abuse treatments, which is why these programs are specifically developed to help young people.

The center Choices center implements The Seven Challenges program for adolescents and young adults. It utilizes evidence-based methods and motivational encouragement instead of a typical clean slate adult approach. This allows young people to find motivation, get interested in certain fields, start developing essential life skills, and recognize choices and behaviors that will result in a brighter future.

If you’ve noticed signs in your child pointing to substance abuse, Choices is a good place to start recovery.

Green Street Residence for Men

Treatment Type:
Sober Living
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Green Street Residence offers transitional living for men who have undergone inpatient treatment and need a supportive environment. This community residence helps men re-enter society and be more independent, productive, and involved.

The residence can accommodate up to 30 men, and the average stay is two to six months. The community-style living includes shared sleeping space and community areas, with staff available on-site 24 hours.

All residents must continue with their outpatient programs and 12-step meetings, and they are encouraged to attend community dinners, conferences, and life skill groups.

Sober living home is the right place for people who don’t have support in their standard living arrangements. Staying at Green Street Residence can help men get back on their feet while getting the help and support they need.

Syracuse Recovery Services

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid, Medicare

Syracuse Recovery Services offer outpatient programs to people with substance and alcohol addiction. They include individual and group therapy, moral recognition therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, medication-assisted treatment, and smoking cessation practices.

All programs are performed through a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, and they are also available in Spanish.

The individualized care plans and medication-assisted treatment aim to achieve long-lasting results, but it requires a lot of work on the patient’s part. Recovery is never easy, but with the right support, sober environment, proper therapy, and counseling, you can get there.

Conifer Park Syracuse Outpatient Clinic

Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Adults, Young Adults
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid, Medicare

The first step in seeking help for you or your loved one is often the hardest. Conifer Park offers treatment programs to all people struggling with addiction, no matter their age, sex, or material status.

Conifer Park’s services include group therapy, early intervention, relapse prevention, mental health assessment, family therapy, sober network support, gender-specific groups, opiate groups, anger management, meditation for stress and anxiety, and more. There are also medication-assisted treatments for people who struggle with opiates and other addictions.

Keep in mind that the waiting room is usually crowded, so you should always contact them and schedule a screening first. Ask personnel to perform an insurance check so that you don’t end up sitting there the entire day.

Aurora Recovery

Treatment Type:
Inpatient, Detox
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Recovering from substance abuse is one of the hardest things a person can do. But with the right help and support, it’s totally possible.

The Aurora Recovery center provides a safe space for a detox where you will be monitored by professional staff while your body gets rid of harmful toxins. The experience is unpleasant, but you should always do it under medical attention to ensure safety.

Once you are clean, you will work out a treatment plan. You’ll start individual and group therapy, as well as other evidence-based methods to help you cope. The goal is to get rid of unhealthy behaviors and recognize addiction triggers. During sessions, you’ll also work on your mental health and any underlying issues that make your addiction worse.

You can expect some holistic activities like yoga and meditation, aimed at helping with long-term success. There are also aftercare programs to prevent relapses.

Arbor House

Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Sober Living
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse
Cash Price:
$ (Donation-financed)
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Payment

Arbor House is a fully structured environment where people can get better in an environment free of alcohol, substance, and tobacco. It is important to mention that the program is only available to the homeless or people who live in an environment not conducive to their recovery.

A 16-bed facility provides a home-like atmosphere. Living in a community allows people to gain new skills and learn to give and receive peer support.

The average stay in Arbor House is 6 to 9 months or up to two years in a supportive living program based on the patient’s needs and progress.

BRiDGES Madison County Council

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Gambling Addiction, Smoking Cessation
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Adults, Young Adults
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

BRiDGES started as an organization that helped adolescents of Madison County. They expanded their activities to other counties, and now their center in Oneida helps people overcome their alcohol, substance, and gambling addiction. They are very focused on preventing and cessation of underage tobacco use.

BRiDGES also offers an employee assistance program, LGBTQIA support, suicide prevention, and many other services to the community.

If you or your loved one struggles with addiction or one of the mentioned problems, the BRiDGES facility in Oneida is a good place to get professional help.

Beacon Center Rome

Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Methadone Clinic
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Medically Assisted Treatments, Opioids
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Adults, Young Adults
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Beacon Center operates at several locations in the central NY area. It offers help to individuals with drug and alcohol addiction through medication-assisted treatment, partial hospitalization, and an outpatient program. The goal is to get clean, identify triggers, understand addiction better, start working on issues, and get motivated for long-term success.

Many people who have visited the Beacon Center admit that their program was strict but helpful. Most realize that it was exactly what they needed. You don’t have to worry, as it is not army strict. You just need to follow some rules, but you will receive support, encouragement, and compassion at the same time.

Tully Hill Treatment and Recovery

Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Inpatient, Detox
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Medically Assisted Treatments, Prescription Drugs, Opioid Abuse
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid

Tully Hill Treatment and Recovery Center is a 20-minute drive away from Syracuse. It is located in a nice and quiet area, surrounded by nature, making it a perfect recovery environment.

Tully Hill offers several treatment types, including a detox, intensive inpatient, and outpatient program for all people who need support. They treat alcohol, opiates, heroin, methamphetamine, prescription drugs, cocaine, marijuana, hallucinogens, and synthetic drug addictions.

A pre-screening and evaluation allow professionals at Tully Hill Center to develop a customized plan tailored to individual needs. It can include medication, therapy, counseling, family support, and other evidence-based approaches. That will allow you to understand and accept your issues, work through them, learn adequate coping skills, establish sober support systems, and comply with aftercare programs.

Keep in mind that Medicaid insurance is only valid for outpatient programs, and all other programs offered by Tully must be paid privately.

New York Address: 5821 NY-80, Tully, NY 13159

Dick Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center

Treatment Type:
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment, Medicaid

The Dick Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center is located in Ovid, about an hour and twenty minutes away from Syracuse. It offers help to people struggling with substance and alcohol abuse, as well as emotional and mental difficulties that often go with addiction.

The 30-bed 3-floor facility accommodates both men and women, but they are separated into gender-specific programs since it shows better results. The center is located in a quiet area, allowing a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Each room accommodates 3 people, and there are communal areas and many amenities.

Your recovery journey will consist of individual and group therapy, medication-assisted treatment, counseling sessions, and didactic lectures aimed towards long-term recovery.

Each treatment is patient-centered, and the recovery plan, duration, and activities all depend on your state. 24-hour professional surveillance in a structured setting, with help and support, provides you with the needed tools to overcome your problems.

Saint Jude Retreats

Treatment Type:
Luxury Inpatient
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Payment

Saint Jude Retreats offers luxury inpatient treatment to up to 6 people at a time. Located in a private estate, this center offers premium accommodation, a pool, gourmet chef, hot tub, and many amenities during your stay. It is mostly envisioned for serious people who want to eliminate their addictive habits while still keeping in touch with the outside world.

The program is an alternative to traditional 12-step addiction treatment. It provides practical exercises to reevaluate their choices, thoughts, behaviors, motivations, and other aspects of life. They are also encouraged to envision a desired future and work towards making it happen.

It’s important to mention that though the world-class accommodations are worth traveling for, the center is 2 hours away from Syracuse. Its rules are also relatively flexible, so you must practice a lot of self-restraint and discipline to recover successfully, which is not an ideal setting for some people.

Rescue Mission of Utica Addictions Crisis Center

Treatment Type:
Detox, Sober Living
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Faith-Based, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Health Insurance, Private Payment

Faith-based treatment is an excellent option for people who consider Christianity a big part of their lives. Practicing faith and getting adequate treatment has helped many people overcome their addiction problems.

This detox center is located in Utica, so you’ll need an hour’s drive to get there. A 25-bed facility provides a safe space where people can detox under physician and clinical monitoring. It is a vital first step to recovery, and people are referred to other programs after completing their detox.

While at the facility, people have a chance to get individual and group counseling, peer support, faith-based support, family therapy, and other forms of treatment.


Treatment Type:
Outpatient, Methadone Clinic
Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Medically Assisted Treatments
Cash Price:
Genders Treated:
Ages Treated:
Payment Accepted:
Private Payment, Medicaid

Pathways is a center located in Rochester, almost an hour and a half away from Syracuse. It offers medication-assisted treatment, mostly for heroin and prescription drug addiction. Along with medication, people participate in therapy and counseling sessions that help them battle their addiction.

The personnel is friendly and supportive, and they genuinely care about helping people. They believe that with the right support, education, and self-reflection, everybody can get better.

Although you can get quality treatment in this center, keep in mind that it is a little further away from Syracuse, and it may not be practical for some people. Instead, you can choose a closer option like Crouse Health Addiction Treatment Services.

About the Author

Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD

Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD

Jenn is a Canadian writer and poet with a background in psychology, sociology, and natural health. She is the founder of The Master in You, a mental wellness site that provides information about the role that thoughts and emotions play in our physical and emotional health. Jenn is passionate about inner growth and the power of the mind-body connection, and this informs her writing and research on addiction treatment. On Rehabaid, Jenn aims to write accessible, informative content and provide resources that can help people make empowered and informed decisions about their recovery.

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